Frequently Asked


  • General

  • What is Games on the Bus?

    Games on the Bus is a video games party service. Our buses are equipped with the latest gaming systems including PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. The buses also have old school arcade machines with classic arcade games (and on Bus 2 racing simulators with/without VR). All events in the bus are supervised by experienced and trained Games Coaches that ensure a safe and fun environment. We offer a range of packages for all events and parties.

  • What happens on the day of the event?

    We will arrive at the location 15-30 minutes early to set up the party bus. In the event of unforeseen delays, the session will be extended until the booked amount of time has been reached. All players will be given a Games on the Bus wristband and a short instruction before the event. Players will then be allowed in the bus to start gaming! During the event, our Games Coaches can help players with questions and ensure a safe and fun environment.

  • Do you service my area?

    Please Click Here to view our service area.

  • What if I am outside the service area?

    If you are outside the service area, we may still be able to offer our services! Please contact us on (02) 9593 1924 so that we can discuss your location.

  • Will the weather affect the event?

    We offer our services in most weather conditions. The bus is fully climate-controlled with built-in reverse-cycle air conditioning and heating to ensure the comfort of players during the event.

  • Do I need to supply electricity or an internet connection for the bus?

    The bus can operate on any standard Australian electrical socket with a supplied extension cord. However, generators are available if required. An internet connection is not required for gameplay inside the bus.

  • How much parking space is needed for the bus?

    Bus 1 needs approximately 11 metres of clear space for parking while Bus 2 needs 15 meters of clear space for parking.We recommend reading the Terms and Conditions regarding parking.

  • I live in a unit, where does the bus park?

    If you live in a unit, the bus can utilise available street parking. We recommend reserving the parking spots before the bus arrives at the event.

  • What if there’s no parking available?

    If there are no parking spaces available at the property or on the street, we can arrange for the event to be held at a nearby public park or a venue like a community hall.

  • Is parental supervision required?

    For children 8 and above, parental supervision is not required inside the bus, our qualified team and Games Coaches are on board the bus at all times to supervise.

  • How many people can fit in the bus?

    Games on the Bus is designed to accommodate a maximum of 16 players at once on Bus 1 and a maximum of 24 players at once on Bus 2; however, this is dependent on the number, age and size of the players. If all the guests do not fit, a roster system may be used to ensure that all guests have the opportunity to play.

  • Is there an age restriction?

    There is an age restriction for under 8 year olds. Games on the Bus is suited for gamers of 8 years and up of age.

  • Games

  • What games are offered in the bus?

    A wide range of multiplayer games are available. However, Games on the Bus does not offer any Online Games (except for Fortnite)or Single Player only games.

  • Can I choose the games?

    Yes, you can. We highly recommend choosing games beforehand to maximise your gaming time and to ensure age appropriate games. If there is a game that you’d like to play that isn’t on website, please feel free to request it by contacting us.

  • Can I bring my own games?

    Unfortunately, players are not permitted to bring their own games. However, if there is a game that you’d like to play that isn’t on website, please feel free to request it by contacting us.

  • What if I or my guests don’t know how to play a game?

    Our Games Coaches supervise each event and can guide players on any of our available games and consoles. Please feel free to ask our Games Coaches any questions that you may have during the event.

  • How do I make sure the games are age appropriate?

    In your booking, please include a request to exclude or include any specific game title or game type. You can also request to exclude games based on their ratings such as MA15+ titles.
